
We have been gathering the pioneering and heritage stories of Utah since 2008 and presenting them using the entertainment arts; in rich narrations, songs, graphic arts, music and dance, in festivals and events, stories from individuals and groups in the melting pot that is Utah with all her geographic and cultural variety.
Along that journey, we have discovered the power of these stories to help bring families and communities closer together — to learn their family narratives, realize their true identity, and build resilience in today’s world.

Here we present the collections of those stories and make them available to YOU.

Strengthen yourself and
family through stories and songs

Subscribe to our collection of pioneering and heritage stories, songs, and videos to lift your spirits, inspire your heart, and knit your family closer together. These are the stories of the people who have gone outside their comfort zones to make life better for us.

You can choose to have one come your way weekly, bi-weekly, or even monthly, or choose from one of our playlists.

Choose from our ever-growing library of Stories that Stick.
Click here for all the details.

Today’s problems may be different from those faced by the pioneers of the past, but the stories of those who overcame adversity are truly inspiring, especially when their solution mirrors what today’s experts recommend.

Browse our list of “Heritage that Heals” as we continue to add topics to help you manage the challenges you face. Priced affordably with video, story, and song, each one includes a PROCESS GUIDE to walk you through the steps that will help you find your own triumph.

Find healing today! Click here for all the details.

A “spoonful of sugar” with expert advice on a variety of topics

Find your “why”
as you strengthen family ties

Now you can shine a spotlight on someone from your family to point out the qualities you all share as descend-ants. This lets your family members realize where their talents and traits come from — you all find the “why” for who you are!

Now, whether you select one of our Heritage Tribute Packages, or choose our “D.I.Y. Heritage Tribute Blueprint” webinar to learn how to create your own, this is the very best way to strengthen family ties.

Click here to set up a FREE appointment
with a representative.

Introducing our “Legacy Series” of Story & Song Artisan Artbook/CDs  — a Journey through art & music.

“Saga of the Sanpitch”

The early settlement of the Sanpitch River Valley came at a high cost to both settlers and the local tribes. This book brings the graphic beauty and stories punctuated by the songs that tell of that tender time in Sanpete County’s history.

“Valley of the Trails”

On the pathway to everywhere, Sevier Valley has seen ancient peoples, explorers, pack mule trains, and pioneer settlers. The Old Spanish Trail runs through its lush valleys. Read the stories, bask in the beautiful art, and savor the songs.

“A Canyon Peoples’ Portrait”

We gathered fifteen stories about the people who have called this canyon their home — Ancestral Puebloans, early settlers, and modern-day pioneers. Come savor the artwork as you enjoy the orchestral and americana/folk music in this vivid keepsake book.

“A Canyon People’s Portrait” — CONCERT VIDEO DVD

Once we had completed our Legacy Series collection for Kane County — A Canyon Peoples’
Portrait — we knew it had to be debuted in a BIG WAY. So, we gathered up our courage and turned
it into a live stage event — a CONCERT! We had the luxury of Kane County’s own Symphony of the Canyons as our headliner, and dozens of local talent to feature in each of the fifteen story/songs, plus a chorus. We even hired some of Utah’s finest folk artists to be in a “pioneer band” to accompany the songs that needed that American/folk touch. We brought it together over weeks of rehearsals, and put the whole
hour-plus concert on in the Kanab High School auditorium, complete with a full camera
crew and sound and lighting support to turn it into a KEEPSAKE VIDEO.

Now, YOU can experience that singular event for yourself!

Click here to watch a SAMPLER of the CONCERT

“The Ghosts of Gardner Village”

The stories of this special group of pioneers are told in song in this album. Those stories are now housed in the collection of cabins and buildings at Historic Gardner Village. Come take a musical tour as we introduce you to the ghosts who still live within those walls.

“What I See” (Clive Romney)

Singer/Songwriter/Storyteller Clive Romney performs some of his favorite story/songs from Utah Pioneer Heritage Arts’ collection. Accompanied by a star-studded group of musicians, this album gives listeners a peek behind the curtain of what inspired Clive to begin gathering Utah’s stories in the first place.

“Set in Stone” (Clive Romney & Willingly)

Singer/Songwriter/Storyteller Clive Romney performs with “Willingly” (two close friends, Bob Morphis and Nathanael Daven-port). Like the early Mormon settlers, they came willingly because they had to. Herein you’ll find a collection of wonderful stories told in song in the studio version of their live concert.

“Story Road Utah — Dixie Episode”

As we have traveled the many roads of Utah, we have discovered songs all along the way. Here are some of the stories we found down in Southern Utah — the “Dixie” part of our state. First per-formed in concert, here is that collection to take you down that virtual highway.

“Stories from the Mormon Pioneer National Heritage Area” by Clive Romney

Our live concerts always combined the stories with the songs, where our Legacy series sets the stories into print. Here, at last, are two volumes of stories and songs from the 6 counties in central and south-ern Utah that make up the Mormon Pioneer Nation-al Heritage Area.

“Echoes of Hammers & Spikes” — Legacy Series Book/Album

The “Echoes of Hammers and Spikes” book/album is just the FIRST in the next generation of Legacy Series products from UPHA. This format — a 9” x 12” hard-bound book — includes beautifully illustrated stories, downloadable songs, videos, PDFs of sheet music, lyrics, and a trove of educational supplements. This book/album series is available in digital format including an “enhanced audiobook” with cinematic sound effects and scoring that turn each chapter into a complete listening experience.

Book & Album $29.95

(plus shipping & handling)

  • 9” x 12” Collector-quality, 20 chapter hardbound book & CD
  • Digital download of the entire 20 chapter book (in PDF format)
  • All 20 songs on CD and in digital download mp3 format
  • Lyrics to all 20 songs in PDF format
  • All 20 songs in Karaoke (sing-along) download
  • Lead sheets (melody, lyrics, chord symbols) in PDF format
  • Educational Extras (Discussion Points and Age/Grade-Targeted Activities)


Preview demo audio clips from songs on the album below.


Now Available!

Enhanced Audio Book

Audio producer Clive Romney

has done it again!

He has taken the complete recorded narration by storytellers, Sam & Suzanne Payne, and turned it into a completely engaging “cinematic” experience.

Adding music and sound effects from his extensive library, he has created the perfect companion to the book and album.

Shop free audiobook specials

Educational Extras

One Exciting Topic – Dozens of Core Curriculum Applications & Activities
Exclusive Digital Content INCLUDED with your purchase

Digital version of the book

PDF downloads of each page, for reading on your PC or laptop, or for projecting in a classroom setting.

All 20 songs in mp3 digital format

Download onto your computer or digital device for personal listening or classroom use.

The complete lyrics to all 20 songs

PDF downloads for use on your computer, digital device, or for projecting in a classroom setting.

All 20 songs in Karaoke (sing-along) versions

Download onto your computer or digital device (to use with the song lyrics) for home or classroom to turn the music into a fun group experience.

Lead sheets of all 20 songs

Melody, lyrics, and chord symbols make it easy to play the songs and sing them on your own or in a group.

Educational Extras

PDF downloads of discussion Points for each chapter and age/grade-targeted activities that will turn the stories of the book into an engaging curriculum for home or classroom.


Stories that Stick • Heritage that Heals

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