It all starts with WHY – why we do what we do here at Utah Pioneer Heritage Arts. It’s about YOU, your family, and your community.
There has been a constant attack on the family for a long time. With all the hustle and bustle of today’s world, too many people don’t even sit down for a meal together as a family. Many of the rising generation feel separated, isolated, and anxious about the future despite living in a socie-ty with more comfort and wealth than at any previous time in history. Adding to those prob-lems, social media has all but replaced real connection between people.
We need RESILIENCE – the ability to bounce back from difficulties and not get bogged down, discouraged, or even de-pressed. To gain that, we need to reconnect – to our heritage, to our community, and – most importantly – to our family. We love these quotes from Bruce Feiler, New York Times columnist, author, and television personality; he says:
“The single most important thing you can do for your family may be the simplest of all: develop a strong family narrative.”
“Knowing more about our family history is the single biggest predictor of a child’s emotional well-being. Grandparents can play a special role in this process, too.”
“The bottom line: if you want a happier family, create, refine, and retell the story of your family’s positive moments and your ability to bounce back from the difficult ones. That act alone may increase the odds that your family will thrive for generations to come.”
We have been gathering Utah’s pioneering and heritage stories since 2008 and have found a wealth of examples of strength in adversity. It’s inspirational to hear how people have overcome challenges and found joy and happiness.
We need the right tools to reconnect and to strengthen family ties. The stories of our pioneers – both past and present – can give us those tools. They are filled with powerful examples, inspiring lessons, and deep emotional connection. Their stories can help us see how to shape our family’s stories. However, today’s fast pace and abundant media means that our stories must be presented in ways that will make them engaging, entertaining, memorable, and repeatable. That is our mission.
Now, with nearly 200 stories interpreted, and adding more all the time, we are able to offer hope in the form of healing. Our Stories that Stick and our Heritage that Heals series provide a way for you to enjoy the journey of rediscovering the qualities that heroes possess – the qualities that breed success in the face of adversity.
We’ve also discovered the power that comes from finding and telling the stories of personal family members – and paying tribute to people on our own family tree. We have introduced our Heritage Tribute series with several different ways you can put a spotlight on an ancestor whose story will help create the resilience you want for your family.
We can help you do that, or we can even teach you how to do it yourself.
All this is our WHY. It guides all we do here at Utah Pioneer Heritage Arts. We hope you will join us in our quest to help strengthen families and, in turn, strengthen entire communities.
Click each logo to learn more about our Stories:

Strengthen yourself and family through stories and songs

A “spoonful of sugar” with expert
advice on a variety of topics

Find your “why” as you strengthen
family ties